Get To Know Me (2023)

5 min readFeb 4, 2023


Hey Lovies !

Hope Your year is going well so far. I am grateful to all of you that engage and read my content. I thought I would write a Get To-Know me post as a late introduction to 2023. Here we go :

Introduce yourself

Hey, my name is Nachilembe, I am a Zambian and I am excited for this year and what it has to bring!

Would you like to share what this year is most likely to bring?

I recently completed my studies so I’m looking for job opportunities and at the same time looking to broaden my interests as a writer and start getting paid for it. I am also a part-time jewelry seller, I make all pieces by hand so I’m thinking of making it a bigger business in future

So where do you get inspiration from to do all the things you do?

I get inspiration from African literature and African feminists. They are a great source to take after when it comes to writing. The stories are more relatable and a source of comfort for women that want to live life by their own will, equal chances at opportunities and free will to do anything without violence inflicted upon them.

“Remember, be a good person, not a good girl. Good girls suffer a lot in this life “- Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi

Do you have any goals this year? And if so would you like to share a few?

Well yeah like any person I have goals.

  1. I would like to get a stable job.
  2. I would like to sell everything in my jewelry business .
  3. I would like to submit some of my essays and poetry to a few publishing sites.
  4. I would like to be a better person .
  5. I would like to be more physically active .
  6. I would like to work on my social skills. I have so much anxiety it has been hard to make friends and have romantic relationships but I would like to try.

What challenges did you face last year and how did you overcome them?

There were so many setbacks in 2022 I was crying every day! But the two major setbacks were school and my mental health. I am done with school for now so I guess I can say I achieved it(school) by conquering! I worked as hard as I could and I passed. If I had other options that would guarantee me financial security till I die I probably wouldn’t be fighting this hard in my education. This piece of advice may not apply to everyone but if you can afford to go to university, please do. A degree/diploma/ certificate may give you a job where you can at least have a source of income while you sort out what you really wanna do. University was so hard for me; I was struggling to keep afloat and save myself from failing and that was a place where I really felt my self-esteem fall deep into hell. I think I was the slowest when it came to learning. But I’m so shocked I actually made it so maybe I wasn’t doing as bad as I thought.

When it comes to mental health dear readers I can only advise you to seek medical help and try to stay afloat the way I am trying. I write on a piece of paper everything I feel, I cry, I talk it out once in a while with people I assume I can trust and I just try to do what I can manage. The only thing you can do is try because you are deserving of everything as much as the next person.

Another setback was a fallout I had with a friend. It made me understand how fast and easily people can leave your life when you are at your lowest. It did send me in a spiral for a while but I feel much better now. I also learned that I need to be a better friend and show up for people. Maybe in the future, I’ll get a chance to be a better friend and a better partner.

What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?

Food, definitely food. Although I feel like it’s a very unhealthy thing to rely on it’s getting me through haha! But I also like it when I hit a big break with my personal everyday goals such as making my bed and clearing off my to-do list .

When did you first feel like an adult?

Gosh, the whole of last year I felt like an adult when I was doing my internship. Adulting is going through hell and still showing up to your responsibilities every dayand dealing with people professionally. Age is really just a number because some adults behave so …… anything but adults. Currently, I feel like such an adult when applying for jobs and writing e-mails to big companies.

Whose opinion do you care most about?

No one . I use to care but even the people you love the most can have harmful opinions about you and your actions. Stick to your opinions as only you know yourself more

What is the most important decision you have ever made so far?

Cutting ties with people I loved so deeply after they hurt me. Hard but worth it.

What do you enjoy spending money on?


What are you most thankful for?

Parents, siblings, family and anyone that contributes to me being a better person. To add on WiFi, Internet, Social media and my research supervisor (she was very helpful and motivating). And lastly, to you dear readers thank you so much for all your likes, comments and follows.

What are you most looking forward to?

Good job, good money, a pet cat, friends, a good healthy partner, therapy and lots of good moments in life.

What do you wish more people understand about you?

I love to share and I love to do stuff for people. That doesn’t mean I have any other intention if I do good things for you . My kindness is not only reserved for people I know .

What would you like people to ask less?

Anything to do with my body. I get sexualized way too much

What would you like people to ask more off?

My social media websites on which I post my work and my bank account details to send money lol

How would you impact the world?

I’d like to think through my writing, if not, by my existence. Sometimes being your little self and giving to your community impacts the world. You don’t have to do so much to make an impact, just do what you can. But given a chance, I hope my future work touches and inspires the right and intended people.

Anything else you would like to say

I’m grateful to all of you that read my work. Sometimes your life purpose is just to exist and absorb the beautiful colors, touch, tastes and sounds of the world. HAPPY 2023!

Thank you so much





■Struggling freelance writer and storyteller ♤ E mail :■